Youth Mental Wellbeing


The Youth Mental Wellbeing Co-Lab supports 25 organizations that are reducing youth anxiety and depression by building young people's resilience, giving young people agency, and helping them foster a sense of community and belonging.

The mental health and wellbeing of young people around the world has been declining for nearly two decades. Roughly 20% of youth struggle with anxiety, and nearly one in four experience symptoms of depression. Mental health and policy experts agree that global trends like a worsening climate, financial inequity, unregulated social media, and more have created a bleak present—and future—for young people around the world. To effectively tackle this crisis, it’s necessary to treat individual mental health needs and address the broader systemic and societal challenges that lead to poor mental health in the first place. It’s additionally critical that organizations supporting youth work alongside and empower young people.


Youth today are three to four times more likely to experience depression and anxiety than their parents. Roughly 20% of youth worldwide are struggling with anxiety symptoms.


Research shows that 59% of young people experience severe climate change-related ”ecoanxiety,” and one in two say these feelings negatively impact their daily lives.

1 in 3

One in three teenagers say that they spend too much time on social media, with 38% saying that it makes them feel overwhelmed.

Building young people's resilience

Both societal scale problems, as well as individual crises—like family conflict, poverty, chronic illness, and more—can overwhelm young people, leading to emotional distress and poor mental health. Organizations in this pillar will help build young people’s resilience so they can withstand hardships, failures, and adversity, reducing the likelihood of long-term mental health issues.

Giving young people agency

Economic inequity, climate anxiety, political turmoil, and other societal scale challenges can leave young people feeling powerless and like they lack the ability to control their own circumstances and futures. Organizations in this pillar will give youth the power and support they need to affect change in their own lives, within their communities, and across society.

Helping young people build a sense of community and belonging

Despite being more connected than ever, young people today experience higher levels of loneliness and isolation than any other generation. Organizations in this pillar will help youth cultivate meaningful connections with peers, find a sense of belonging in their chosen communities, and build a purposeful life.

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