Climate Equity


The Climate Equity Co-Lab is a $50 million collaborative philanthropy fund that supports 13 organizations working at the intersection of climate change, Indigenous land rights, gender equity, and poverty.

Though climate change is the single most urgent issue humanity faces, we do not experience its effects equally. The adverse effects of climate change are inequitably distributed, and those who suffer most are often those who bear the least responsibility for the current climate crisis. Women and girls are particularly vulnerable. Half a billion women and girls survive on less than a $1.90 per day, and 
many—particularly those in the Global South—have livelihoods that are directly tied to and dependent upon the land.

Women and girls often serve as families’ primary food producers, fuel collectors, and water suppliers. Yet, despite their close relationship with the land, they are routinely denied access to the resources and decision-making power needed to adapt to and cope with environmental challenges. That is why ICONIQ Impact launched the Climate Equity Co-Lab—our first-ever collaborative philanthropy fund supporting organizations at the intersection of climate change, gender equity, and poverty.

The Climate Equity Co-Lab supports 13 organizations at the intersection of climate change, gender equity, and poverty. Each organization is empowering women across the globe, giving them the resources and agency needed to protect their land and lift themselves and their families out of poverty.


Nearly half a billion women and girls live in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1.90 per day. They are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change, as their livelihoods are often tied to the collection of natural resources (food, fuel, and water).


Currently, only 0.1% of foundation funding flows to organizations working at the intersection of climate change, gender equity, and poverty.


More than 80% of people displaced by climate change are women.

Land and Water Stewardship

These grantees are supporting female-led efforts to reclaim, preserve, and protect the land. These grantees work on everything from protecting Indigenous American land in Alaska from extractive industries to empowering Maasai women and girls in Tanzania to build their economic status and advocate for their rights.

Climate-Resilient Infrastructure and Employment Opportunities

These grantees are harnessing the untapped power of female workers and connecting them to climate-related employment, such as building disaster-resilient housing, installing solar panels, and more. These grantees are enhancing women’s economic power all while building a more sustainable planet.

Sustainable Agriculture

These grantees are improving sustainable agriculture, helping female farmers better protect their crops–which are a source of sustenance and income but have become unpredictable due to the effects of climate change.


These grantees are placing power and resources directly into the hands of those best suited to protect the environment–the local people. Because of their deep ties to local communities, regranters are able to easily find and distribute smaller-sized grants to hyper-local initiatives, which are often invisible to large funders.